Gabrielle F. Culmer
Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day!

“Father” 2nd edition. By Gabrielle F. Culmer from Blue Streams to Paradise and also published in the Nassau Tribune for Father's day 2013.


Dear Father, I know that you have cared 

By showing the love which you have shared.

The guidance we have come to know,

Makes us all the persons you have raised.


Now we can say that we have experienced

Your way in life and tried for excellence,

To pattern along the ways you have taught

Aware that such talents cannot be bought.


So when your arms outreached do grow,

Further beyond what we have in store,

They guide us to where our lives should be,

This hand which guides so graciously.


For when in life we have reached our heights,

The ones which you have set in sight,

We will know that we have made it through,

That it is has been your work that has held through.



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