Gabrielle F. Culmer
"Restoring Patterns" Press Release by iUniverse

Successful New York couple must rebuild together in new modern romance novel

Gabrielle F. Culmer announces release of ‘Restoring Patterns’

NEW YORK – “Restoring Patterns” (published by iUniverse), a modern, professional romance novel, follows a hardworking and enterprising couple as they rebuild their lives together on their path toward entrepreneurial achievement.  Overcoming reticence and obstacles with the support of family, colleagues and friends helps see the couple through as their relationship forms the foundation of their lives.


“I was inspired by professional achievements and the NY lifestyle,” author Gabrielle F. Culmer explains. “It can be an invigorating professional environment with artistic creativity. I wanted to expose the reader to aspects of life that the characters cherished.” Culmer takes readers on a descriptive journey of travels and was also motivated by her family’s former eveningwear business.


Set largely in the New York City fashion industry, “Restoring Patterns” sees Kascey Kann and Grady Chisholm grapple with their principles and push through their struggles in order to achieve success. Despite the unexpected setbacks that come their way, they forge a new life together as they prepare to take their relationship to the next level – marriage.


Through Kascey and Grady’s story, Culmer hopes readers see “That all is possible in life once you set your goals and have the right people to share your dreams. I would like to take the reader on a fantastic journey celebrated by two people just starting out with the world ahead of them.”



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